About us

’Szedrem’ – From village Szokoly

By starting our blackberry plantation we have entered an already familiar world in terms of plant production, since agriculture is one of our sources of living in the family. Me and my husband – both of us being agricultural engineers - have always been attracted by nature-based farming, so the choice of eco-farming was not even a question for us.

Why exactly blackberry?
At first, we have already experienced the benefits of this wonderful fruit for years not only with family members, but among friends as well.
On the other hand, it is also a curiosity of the fruit market due to its high antioxidant content.

We started to plant the orchard in 2012, which by now is nearly of 2 hectares (cca. 5 acres). Since then the planting and planning is continuous.
The plantation requires considerable manual labor. During the harvesting, seasonal workers of the surrounding areas are employed - and anyone and everyone in the family takes his/her part of the job, too.

At this time, processing goes hand in hand with fresh sales, by combining modern technologies and traditional procedures to ensure premium quality for our customers.

Despite the job requiring many sacrifices, we thank Our Lord that we can do this! Feedback confirms that our hand-made products meet the high expectations of our customers.